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Per-document Recipient selection to be used for Transmittals, not immediate Notification

It would be better if recipients chosen at document level were used to keep a record of who needs to be notified of revisions to that document when issued via Notification Transmittal rather than instant, individual notification when saving the document.


This way a number of document entries could be created or revised, then at the end of that process a Notification Transmittal created, and once documents are added, the Recipients are automatically populated based on an aggregation of the Recipients chosen for that document.


Conversely, once documents have been sent to any given Recipient under a Notification Transmittal, that Recipient should be added at Document Level, so that they are automatically included in any Notification Transmittal in the future for subsequent revisions.


Ideally, a Notification Transmittal would take the same format as a Matrix Transmittal, since a particular Transmittal may contain, say, 20 documents, but there are two people who shouldn't receive 4 of those documents.  Rather than compose two separate Notification Transmittals, it would be better if the same Transmittal was of Matrix type, with each Recipient receiving the documents that they are Recipients of.


Examples are of an output to a Client Design Change were several Architectural, Structural and Builders Work drawings have been revised, so have several Specifications, but along with these are revised Scope of Works documents that go to each trade and are specific to each of them.


You would ideally be able to compose a Transmittal which is common to Recipients from all the trades, contains all the amended drawings and Scope of Works documents, but for each Recipient you only tick the Scope of Works that applies to them.  All the drawings/specs would be ticked for everyone.

  • Mark Boulton
  • Sep 27 2019
Company Westfields Construction
Job Title / Role Document Control Manager
I need it... 6 months
  • Attach files

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