Submit Your Suggestions for Viewpoint for Projects

Workflow reporting - info in too many places, not reportable

A major failing of the workflow  system at the moment is the reporting. For a Design Manager, Project Engineer (the poor soul who has to make sure that drawings are processed in time, job titel may vary)

From the main working screen, whilst the current status that a document has is available, the workflow name is not, so if you have a status such as QA Approved, or QA Rejected, which can be part of multiple workflows, you can't readily determine what is happening to a given drawing/document.

Using the Dashboard, the workflow and STAGE are available, i.e. the name of the current activity, not the status as on the main search screen.

The biggest issue for me is the lack of an ability to report on the panel for a given activity, showing who is involved and who has voted. The information is available, but you need to look at the workflow to see who has/hasn't responded, on a drawing by drawing basis.

A report that includes all of this information,

  • Workflow name
  • Current activity/task
  • Activity Status
  • Panel members for a task, including their vote (and comment) where they have responded, (the actual voter where the vote is on behalf of a group)
  • Due date for completion of the task (and days to go) **
  • This in addition to the fields available in the main search view

In the absence of a proper User Defined Report facility, all of the above being exportable via csv or Excel would allow the end user to slice and dice the information to choice




** Dates to take account of location, i.e. DD/MM/YYYY for the UK please

  • Rod Crowder
  • Sep 12 2017
  • In Review
Company Willmott Dixon Construction
Job Title / Role Information
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
  • Simon Barrick commented
    August 09, 2022 07:41

    This report is what we as a business need. Please can this be pushed through. As others have stated, this will bring in line with other CDEs.

  • Łukasz Paryś commented
    January 26, 2022 14:21

    Document and communication reporting is quite poor in functions in VFP. I work on another platform where online approval reporting is light years ahead - you can see everything in a dashboard report - dates, who approved, who did not, where the process is, etc.

  • Charles DELAMARE commented
    October 27, 2021 10:15

    It would be a great progress for our business as well as it is impossible to exploit data simply from activity statuses (as Rod mentionned). The idea would be to be able to recreate the dashboard panel at a Site Container scale and not only for projects, but also to quickly create some interesting and customed KPIs

  • Steph Tatzenko commented
    September 25, 2017 11:24

    I would also like to add my voice to this suggestion.

    It would work very well with the batch download of workflow comments (Suggestion VPC-I-201 -that has finally been statused as planned...)

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