Submit Your Suggestions for Viewpoint for Projects


Merged Suggestions

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Too many notification emails when raising tasks - Option required to turn off & reduce unnecessary emails Merged

When raising a task the system automatically sends the person who raised the task a confirmation email, which I believe is unnecessary and produces too many notifications to their inbox. The system also automatically sends a confirmation email to users whenever they have replied to a task, and again this is unnecessary. Users are effectively cc'd on their own task actions.......this simply creates too many notifications, and an option to turn this off (or adjust level of notifications) would be very useful.
  • Guest
  • Nov 17 2015
  • In Development
Company McAvoy Group
Job Title / Role Design Manager / BIM Lead
I need it... 1 month
  • Katy Nowell commented
    October 11, 2018 07:32

    Hi Andrew,

    Please see below:

    Name: Katy Nowell

    Company: WSP

    Job Title: Document Control Manager

    VfP Enterprises I work on:

    1-5 Grosvenor Place

    Ardmore Construction


    McLaren Group (old)

    Project Sunbeam

    St. Modwen (old)

    How I engage with the notifications from VfP on a daily basis:

    We are usually downloading, uploading

    Suggestions for improving/challenges faced with the email notifications from VfP:
    So many received that you end up ignoring all

    Recommend an option per user & per project to select the specific notifications you would like to receive e.g. items for review, RFI’s, completed workflows where you’re the originator.


    Katy Nowell
    Document Control Manager, Property & Buildings

    T+ 44 (0)20 3116 5959

    WSP House, 70 Chancery Lane
    London WC2A 1AF

  • Guest commented
    October 05, 2018 12:45

    Name: Lana Vierling
    Job Title: Senior Document Controller
    VfP Enterprises I work on: 1 large complex
    How I engage with the notifications from VfP on a daily basis: the main manager of information on the project. I send notifications, tasks, matrixes, distributions.

    Suggestions for improving/challenges faced with the email notifications from VfP:
    (1-5 suggestions or challenges you face with VfP notifications) Basic/automated notifications are confused with actual manual and important issues. I think the best way is to allow the message subject to say what the issuer he has put in the subject heading.

    We would require you to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) before we can progress to the next stage and share our mocks and work in-flight with you. I'll distribute this via email for those of you who wish to engage with us here. Thats fine
    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Kind regards

    Lana Vierling
    Document Controller
    London & South Division

    VINCI Construction UK Limited
    New Covent Garden Market Redevelopment
    Project Offices
    Adjacent Covent House
    SW8 5BH

    NCGM: 0203 177 1050
    Real Success is the Success You Share


    VINCI Construction UK Limited is registered in England and Wales with number 2295904 and has its registered office
    at Astral House, Imperial Way, Watford, Hertfordshire WD24 4WW
    PThink before you print

  • Admin
    Andrew Brennan commented
    October 05, 2018 10:30

    Hi everyone,


    We are progressing into the design and development stage of a project to restyle and reorganise the email notifications from VfP. We would very much like to engage with you and incorporate your feedback into this work to uplift the notification experience from VfP.

    If you would like to engage with us in this project, please send me an email and tell me a little about yourself and how you engage with VfP:



    Job Title:

    VfP Enterprises I work on:

    How I engage with the notifications from VfP on a daily basis:

    (Are you mainly distributing/responding/both and what are the key processes you're involved with)

    Suggestions for improving/challenges faced with the email notifications from VfP:

    (1-5 suggestions or challenges you face with VfP notifications)

    We would require you to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) before we can progress to the next stage and share our mocks and work in-flight with you. I'll distribute this via email for those of you who wish to engage with us here.

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.



    Andrew Brennan

  • David Simpson commented
    November 29, 2016 08:32

    I get notified several times a day about the same 4 tasks - including weekends. As a result I've set and outlook rule to automatically archive all such notifications. If the system 'nagged' less, I might take more notice of those notifications that do come through!

  • Guest commented
    June 01, 2016 14:35

    How will this differ from configuring your settings and choosing "email opt-out" ? This vastly reduces the amount of notifications received - I believe Tasks and Matirx transmittals may over-ride this opt out selection though?

  • Guest commented
    June 01, 2016 08:18

    Personally I cannot see the need for the confirmation on any workflow, as the audit trail is already captured within the task manager on VFP, so for me I wouldn't need an option.......however if it is easier/quicker to make it a configurable option, rather than remove it, this would be a more than acceptable solution.


    David C

    Sent from my Windows Phone

  • Deleted User commented
    May 31, 2016 17:06

    Is there any scenario in which you would want these 'confirmation' notifications?  As an audit trail of your actions in email possibly?   Should we leave these in as optional, or take them out altogether? 

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